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Scarborough Town Centre
300 Borough Dr, Unit 53
Lower Level Entrance 6 (Near Hudson’s Bay)
The second most common disease in the United States is tooth decay and the first is the common cold.
New born babies do not have tooth decay bacteria? Instead, this bacteria is transmitted from mother to baby when she kisses the child or blows in hot food/drink before feeding the baby.
Before toothpaste was invented people used dry, rough things as an abrasive to clean their teeth. Such items included crushed eggshells, pumice or the burnt hooves of animals! Today we know that using these substances would cause more damage than help to enamel.
You are not supposed to brush within 6 feet of a toilet. The airborne particles from the flush can travel up to a distance of 6 feet.
The tooth enamel (the white, hard outer layer of your teeth) is considered the hardest mineral substance in your body, even stronger than bone.
Recent studies have shown that dental patterns can be used to identify a person to the same degree of accuracy as DNA tests?!
A study by Emory University said that people who floss their teeth every day live an average of 6.4 years longer than those who don’t. The reasons? One, flossing eliminates bacteria. Bacteria cause infection, which in the right circumstances can kill you. And two, if you floss every day you prevent periodontal disease. If you have periodontal disease you usually end up with a higher white blood cell count. This means it’s causing your immune system to be under a lot of stress. Stress makes your overall health much worse. Flossing, though, prevents these two things from happening and gives you a chance at a longer life.
Studies have shown that pregnant women visit the dentist less often. Routine dental procedures are safe for the developing baby. Maintenance of oral health is vital to prevent gingivitis, a disease which can be affected by hormonal fluctuations. Our office can ensure that your oral health is not interfering with nutrient intake and that untreated gingivitis does not progress into periodontitis.
During pregnancy, it is imperative to keep your mouth as clean as possible to prevent infections or dental emergencies from appearing. This means brushing at least twice day (after breakfast and just before bed) and flossing at least once a day. If you are planning on getting pregnant, plan a pre-emptive visit to our office to make sure all is healthy in your mouth and to receive oral health tips.
During the first trimester, it is recommended to avoid all elective procedures, the only dental procedures typically done are for emergencies. Oral radiographs, (though they pose an extremely minor risk) should be minimized as well as drug prescription. Overall, maintaining a healthy mouth is the best thing for you and for the baby.
During pregnancy, the second trimester is the safest to receive dental treatment. It is recommended to visit the dentist at least once during this trimester for a cleaning and to make sure everything in your mouth is healthy. Dental cleanings are completely safe and are recommended. Due to the change in hormones during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of gingivitis, so preplanning your dental visits is imperative.
Are you an avid wine drinker? According to a study at Guys Hospital in London, the acid in wine was shown to erode the enamel on teeth. Anyone who tastes wine or drinks wine often should clean his or her mouth at least twice a day. Typically, red wine causes the worst stains on teeth.
Sugar provides food for your mouth’s bacteria which then produce acids to attack your teeth. Cutting back on candy is a start, but there are lots of other sources of sugar. Many processed foods contain it. Cutting down on processed food helps, but there are other natural sources of sugar that may surprise you. Anything that is high in carbohydrates can be broken down by plaque bacteria. The by-product of bacteria is acid, which demineralizes your teeth, leading to tooth sensitivity and cavities. The key to snacking on naturally sweet foods, such as fruit, is to eat it over a short period of time to reduce the amount of time your teeth are exposed to the acid. Here is a list of sneaky sugar products that can be found in most supermarkets:
You should always buy products with the least amount of sugar (the amount will be included toward the end of the ingredient list). When checking labels, you may not always see the word “sugar”:
The American Dental Association recommends playing music during dental treatments as a form of distraction. It has been noted that listening to music tends to have lower levels of stress-related hormones. Dr. Cumandra and Dr. Isabel incorporate this into practice at Scarboro Smiles.
Smokeless tobacco contains 28 cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). Smokeless tobacco use can lead to nicotine addiction and dependence.
Adolescents who use smokeless tobacco are more likely to become cigarette smokers. 70% of people who use spit tobacco get mouth sores. It gets a lot more serious than this. The consequences of chewing and spitting tobacco include:
These not so fun facts may trigger the urge to quit!
Vitamin D not only plays an important role in helping our bodies absorb calcium for our skeletal system, but it also helps us maintain the health of our immune system. Our bodies naturally produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, and by absorbing small amounts from certain foods. Today it has be estimated that approximately one billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient due to limited exposure to sunshine. So if you are unable to enjoy enough sunshine this summer, some foods that you can add to your diet for a little more vitamin D include:
Q: What is a normal blood pressure for an adult over 18 years?
A: 120/80
Stage 1 Hypertension > 140/90
Stage 2 Hypertension > 160/100
Checking blood pressure at the dental office is a great way to screen for high blood pressure and make an early referral to your doctor if an abnormal blood pressure is encountered. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. 30% of people with hypertension are unaware.
If you know you have high blood pressure, be sure to inform our office. Some local anaesthetic agents (dental freezing) contain epinephrine. Epinephrine is also found in your body normally and can increase your blood pressure. This is especially possible in people with an already elevated blood pressure. If your dentist is aware of your high blood pressure, they can be sure to use just the right amount of local anaesthetic to make sure you receive the best possible dental care.
The golden proportion can be found in plants, butterflies, and elsewhere in nature. It has also been proposed that we perceive teeth to be more esthetically pleasing when the width of a central incisor related to the lateral is found at a ratio of 1.618:1.This ratio is also found in nature in butterfly’s wings, plant leaves, and more. When things are arranged in this ratio, we perceive them to be more esthetically pleasing.
There has been a lot of recent discussion about the addition of omega 3/6/9 supplements, fish oil, and flaxseed oil to help promote a healthy diet. Omega-3 fats have been linked to helping prevent a wide range of diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the eye and brain, cancer, allergies, asthma, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, kidney disease, lupus, obesity, periodontal disease, and also helps in increasing bone health.
There are different dietary fats that play an important role in our health including saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. Saturated fats come from meat and dairy and have been associated with reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Monounsaturated fats include plant-derived oils containing omega-9 fats. Polyunsaturated fats include linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linoleic-acid (ALA), which contain essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in the body, thus they must be consumed.
ALA and LA fatty acids have a long chain of fatty acid derivatives consisting of EPA, DHA and AA, which also play an important role in the body. EPA and DHA are found in fish, seafood, and fish oils sources, and can result in improvements in periodontal health by reducing gingival plaque index, sulcus bleeding index, pocket depth and clinical attachment loss following scaling and root planning. In addition, EPA and DHA can also play an important role for overall health, including cardiovascular health.
In a study conducted to determine the impact of DHA for periodontal disease, it was found that higher consumption of DHA (>40mg/day) can reduce periodontal disease by 22%.Those with the lowest intakes of DHA had 1.5 times more periodontal disease events, which was defined as the number of teeth with periodontal disease progression over 5 years. Overall preliminary results from clinical trials are promising but further studies are required in order to confirm these findings.
The last update regarding recommendations for fat intake are still being developed and references set by the Institute of Medicine and used by Health Canada is the best guide. The recommendation of EPA and DHA intake is still unknown for cardiovascular health, it is recommended a minimum of 2 servings of fish per week. For ALA intake, it is recommended small amounts of unsaturated oils approximately 2-3 tablespoons be used each day for cooking. Finally, a healthy diet can include saturated fat if polyunsaturated fats are also consumed.
When testing if Omega-3 Fatty acids are beneficial to one’s oral health, studies show that the use of a fish oil supplement such as 900mg EPA + DHA taken once per day with a low dose aspirin can be beneficial. In subjects used in this study, taking these supplements proved to give them healthier gums with reduced periodontal pocket depths, and greater gingival attachment to help keep bacteria out from under the gums. In another study, subjects were given an omega-3 supplement (180mg EPA and 120mg DHA) once per day and this also proved to be beneficial. These subjects also had reduced pocket depths, greater gingival attachment, and less bleeding. In both studies the individuals were given supplements after a thorough scaling/cleaning with their hygienist. So, in conjunction with regular routine dental hygiene appointments and with adequate amounts go Omega fatty acids, individuals can see improved oral health. Furthermore, as per the dietary guidelines set out by Health Canada, if their guidelines are properly followed, one will be receiving the recommended dose of omega fatty acids from their diet alone, that with help aid in healthy gums.
It is important to update your family doctor on your health and medication status, but what about your dentist? Good communication with your dentist about your overall health is vital, says Dr. Lynn Tomkins, a clinical instructor in the Department of Oral Diagnosis and Medicine at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Dentistry and a Past President of the ODA. “What happens in your mouth affects your body, and what happens in your body affects your mouth.
If you are on blood thinner mediations, it is important that your dentist be made aware of the type and dosage you are taking. These medications act to reduce the body’s natural clotting mechanisms. Since it is not uncommon for minor amounts of bleeding to occur during even simple dental procedures such as tooth cleaning and scaling, it is very important to let your dentist know several days prior to any treatment that you are taking blood thinner medications. Your dentist may wish to consult with your family doctor about the advisability of discontinuing this medication for a day or so prior to your dental appointment.
The safest fillings are gold, but they do not look as great. The second safest fillings are porcelain inlays, but they are more expensive than resin/white fillings. Third are silver fillings.
Scarborough Town Centre
300 Borough Dr, Unit 53
Lower Level Entrance 6 (Near Hudson’s Bay)
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